
New updates and improvements to Routetitan.

Release 1.10 - Fixes & improvements
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November 22, 2021

Cover Image for Release 1.10 - Fixes & improvements

We love launching new features, but this time we have focused on smaller bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements to the product.

Fixes and improvements

  • Added the ability to search for a stops unit id from within a project

  • Added the ability receive an email notification when a stop was skipped (contact if you want us to activate this)

  • Improved the general performance when searching within a project

  • Improved the general performance of uploading stops via an Excel or CSV file

  • Improved the look of the printed version of the routes

  • Improved the project’s date formatting so that it’s easier to read and understand

  • Prevent transactional emails from being clipped at the bottom if the content is recurring

  • Properly close the panel when pressing the Apps or Rentman section

  • Highlight “Vehicles” tab inside a project when a user has added stops but not yet enabled vehicles to make the next step more obvious

  • Show a progress bar when downloading the stops or solution of a project

  • Show a progress bar when printing the stop labels

  • Include a + symbol for phone numbers inside of the Routetitan Driver App

  • Fixed an issue where a stop’s address would be shown incorrectly when uploading stops via the Excel file and the street column had a house number addition

  • Fixed an issue where in specific cases the finishing address shows the last stop’s recipient name

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Driver and Vehicle tags of a project to be included inside the download solution excel file

  • Fixed an issue where the “You have unsaved changes” dialog did not appear when creating a new project and clicking on any option from the dropdown menu in the navbar

  • Fixed an issue that shows the Product Tour when double clicking on the “Add driver” button

  • [Rentman] Added a refresh button so that users can quickly refresh the stops within our Rentman app

  • [Rentman] Added infobox to the email address fields so that long email addresses are fully visible when needed

  • [Rentman] Added more support so that users can specify more stop details using Rentman’s custom fields

  • [Rentman] Extended support to define more stop details like signature requirement, duration from within the Rentman project

  • [Rentman] Fixed an issue that prevented the input from being cleared when adding an API key to Rentman

  • [Rentman] Fixed an issue where when creating a new project from within the Rentman app and then opening the Projects section, at first only the newly created project is shown

We’re a team of friendly engineers and creative designers making last-mile delivery more sustainable and accessible for all.